“Behaviour Breeds Behaviour”

Don’t let your emotions get the better of you!

If someone is displaying negative behaviour, ensure you don’t fall into the trap and emulate the same behaviour. Sometimes this happens without us realising as our emotions take over and get the better of us.

I’d like to share the following customer service experience with you. Recently we had a family day out and enjoyed a visit to a “town market”. Whilst looking at some gifts at a stall we became aware of a commotion unravelling beside us between a female customer and the male stall holder. The customer appeared to be making a complaint about a gift she had bought that had just broken. We heard the customer informing the stall holder that the item shouldn’t be on sale and that she doubted it complied with safety standards. The stall holder was immediately defensive and said there was nothing wrong with that item or any other items that were available to purchase. An argument erupted.

The customer was standing her ground and started to raise her voice in line with the stall holder’s voice pitch. The male stall holder was shouting back at the customer and told her to “keep her nose out”. He continued to shout “Oh just go away, I don’t need or want your business…” with a few undesirable words amongst his chosen vocabulary. By this time lots of people had gathered around the stall to find out what was going on. The shouting match continued. Each time the customer said something the stall holder cut her off shouting “Oh go away…just go away….GO AWAY”.

The situation could so easily have been avoided if either the customer or the stall holder had remained in control and not lost their cool. After the dispute we told our son that we would go and have a look at another stall and quickly moved away. I felt embarrassed for the pair of them. Regardless of who was at fault it resulted in us taking our business elsewhere. Other customers did the same and quickly dispersed in fear of being on the receiving end of either the customers or the stall holder’s wrath.

Interaction between colleagues can have a direct impact on the service you offer to your customers, as it will be reflected in attitude and behaviours. Ensure your attitude is positive and your behaviour is appropriate. If a colleague speaks sharply to you, don’t speak sharply back. If a colleague has a “can’t be bothered “attitude don’t let it rub off on you “If she can’t be bothered….why should I?

The same applies to interaction with customers. If a customer is becoming annoyed and raising their voice, don’t raise your voice back as this will just add “fuel to the fire” and make the situation worse. Speak calmly and remain in control. Find out the facts and show empathy “I understand what you’re saying…” and then turn the situation around by finding a solution to the problem.

Remember “Behaviour Breeds Behaviour” ensure your behaviour is the right behaviour in order to deliver outstanding customer service to each and every one of YOUR customers. Be a role model and “Lead by Example”.